"Tahukah kalian apa yang membuat orang sukses berbeda dengan orang biasa?"

Hal yang paling penting dalam mempersiapkan diri untuk sukses, yaitu 'going the extra miles'.

Tidak menyerah dengan rata-rata.

Kalau orang belajar 1 jam, dia akan belajar 5 jam, kalau orang berlari 2 kilo, dia akan berlari 3 kilo. Kalau orang menyerah didetik ke 10, dia tidak akan menyerah sampai detik 20.

Selalu berusaha meningkatkan diri lebih dari orang biasa. Karena itu mari kita budayakan 'going the extra miles', lebihkan usaha, waktu, upaya, tekad dan sebagainya dari orang lain.

Maka kalian akan SUKSES!

-Negeri 5 Menara-


ESNA - Bite My Lower Lip

I secretly bite my lower lip 
and softly close my eyes 
I try to hide the fluttering 
feeling that fills my body

It tickles for some reason when 
I think of you, 
I start to talk to myself 
Give me a perfect day, 
oh I’ll stay,
by your side
I already revealed half of my heart

A day where you can have high hopes 
will come only good things will come 
The one person who will protect and 
watch over the struggling me 
I feel like that person is you 
I wanna make you mine

Your bright smile continues 
as if it will break 
When I open my eyes, it’s mine 
Give me a perfect day, 
of I’ll stay, by your side 
I already revealed 
half of my heart

A day where you can have high hopes 
will come Only good things will come 
The one person who will protect 
and watch over the struggling me 
I feel like that person is you 
I wanna make you mine 

I definitely met a good person, 
only great things will happen 
I think just love 
alone is enough 
Nothing’s better, 
better than our love

A day where you can have high hopes 
will come Only good things will come 
The one person who will protect 
and watch over the struggling me 
I feel like that person is you 
I wanna make you mine

English: POP!GASA